Shoe Boot Valet
Valet Product Line, a veteran and minority owned business, is a smaller company whose main objective is to help people lead normal lives despite handicaps, prosthetics, diseases, orthopedic surgeries… We are not trying to compete with larger companies who vie with each other on hundreds of categories that, basically, provide the same service. Our products provide the solution for everyday painful and embarrassing issues that no one else addresses.
Business for Sale
Call 918-289-1474
- Sole Owner – 100%
- NO Debt
- Sole owner and producer of VPL products
- 50,000 units produced and sold
- 100’s of interested medical and non-medical companies including the VA – 8 million disabled vets.
- The owner is elderly and a disabled vet (paratrooper and is incapable of operating the business- mobility and huge medical expense due to injuries.)
- Very low Admin cost and operating expense.
- Huge margins
- Can be up and operating in 30-60 days
- Investor terms
Shoe Valet

Boot Valet – Coming Soon!
Sock Valet

This is Valet Product Line’s newly patented “Sock Valet” prototype. The device has an adjustable hinge to meet your size of feet or mobility requirements. You will notice the patented gripping device which separates this sock donning device from all others on the market. The gripping mechanism firmly grasps the hosiery after being placed on the sock holder to where you can pull the sock over your foot, ankle and up the calf with little to no bending and reaching requirement. You use the gripping device to remove the hosiery as well.
Socks are one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult, dressing item to put on. The Sock Valet will revolutionize the sock donning industry and be a Godsend to millions of the elderly, mobility challenged and disabled veterans.

Valet Product Line will be offering our newest addition to our product line, the Boot Valet, in the near future. The Boot Valet is specifically designed for the boot wearer, both men and women, who wear boots casually or on a daily basis and who need or want to make putting their boots on and taking them off with as little effort as possible. No reaching or bending is required and popping the boots off is a piece of cake, no matter how tight the fit is. The Boot Valet is shorter and stronger than the Shoe Boot Valet for taller, tight fitting boots.
The Boot Valet is especially targeted to the farm and ranch communities who wear all types of boots in both good and inclement weather. Also, women who deplore putting on and taking off tight boots are going to love our Boot Valet.
Shoe Boot Valet • 918-289-1474 • Tulsa, Oklahoma
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